The Underground Railroad in Rochester
The Underground Railroad, a national network of people and groups offering shelter and assistance to escapees fleeing the South, began operating in Rochester and surrounding regions during the 1830s.
Due to its proximity to Canada—the final destination for thousands of freedom seekers—Rochester was an active hub and gateway on the Underground Railroad. Many individuals, black and white, and denominations were involved in the local effort to create secret hubs along the route to freedom. Many of these sites are accessible to Rochester visitors.
Henry Quinby Farm site
Old Frederick Douglass Farm site
Kelsey’s Landing: the final stop on the Underground Railroad
Information about additional Underground Railroad sites and historic images can be found at The Rochester Public Library’s “Many Roads to Freedom” digital collection @ https://www.libraryweb.org/rochimag/roads/underground.htm.
Among the sites in Rochester, one of particular interest is Kelsey’s Landing. Located just north of the Lower Falls in the Genesee River Gorge near downtown Rochester, Kelsey’s Landing served as a port to Canada. At this location, escaped slaves were able to board Canadian vessels to travel across the border to freedom. In the Rochester region, Kelsey’s Landing was the final stop on the Underground Railroad.
Some of the most prominent sites are:
The Henry Quinby Farm by Mendon Ponds Park. A portion of the former farm, now part of Mendon Ponds Park, can be visited at the park’s Clover Street entrance (near 3899 Clover Street, Honeoye Falls, NY 14472).
The David H. Richardson Farm on East Henrietta Road near Castle Road. Private site with commemorative plaque at 2500 East Henrietta Road, Rochester, NY 14623.
The Warrant Farm in Brighton. Currently commercial space at 1956 West Henrietta Road, Rochester, NY 14623.
The Old Frederick Douglass Farm. Currently Anna Murray-Douglass Academy No. 12 at 999 South Avenue Rochester, NY 14620; the site is commemorated by a Douglass statue and plaque.
The Harvey Humphrey, Esq. House. 669 Genesee Street, Rochester, NY 14611; currently the Elmdorf Apartments building.
Kelsey’s Landing. Open to the public at Maplewood Park at 89 Maplewood Drive, Rochester, NY 14615.